3. 3. 2. Prohibition of non-tropical woods from non-sustainable wood harvesting

description relevant product categories 


As forests have numerous functions, wood harvesting and other types of use may lead to conflicts between different stakeholders.

Forests have to be managed sustainably in order to ensure that their functions (e.g. protection against avalanches and topsoil erosion, space for human recreation) can be preserved in the long run.

Sustainable forest management means that forest roads, machines, logging, reforestation and use of pesticides must be as ecologically sensible as possible. Wood should always come from safe sources, which means:


In a number of countries, the obligation to pursue sustainable forest management practices has been laid down by law (e.g. in Austria, Germany and Switzerland).

minimum requirement

Products may only contain woods from sustainably managed forests in accordance with the Austrian Forestry Law as amended in 2002, Section 1, on sustainability.



Alternatively, the corresponding baubook declaration may serve as evidence (www.baubook.info/oea).


baubook green procurement
Harmonised “EcoBuildingCriteria” provided by “ÖkoKauf Wien” and “service package sustainable construction in Vorarlberg”
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