2. 5. 2. Limits for volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds in plastering and spackle for interior use

description relevant product categories 


Plastering and spackle, if supplied mixed and ready for use, may emit various harmful substances into indoor air, particularly volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds (VOCs and SVOCs). It is thus sensible to define VOC and SVOC limits for factory-premixed plastering and spackling paste for indoor use.



minimum requirement

The content of volatile organic compounds (VOC) in can (unprocessed plaster mortar "in the container") must not exceed 0.01% by weight (100 ppm).

Safety data sheet as amended by Regulation (EU) No 453/2010, and manufacturer's declaration.


This criterion is fulfilled for powdered plasters and fillers.

All products awarded the following eco label meet these criteria:

Alternatively, the corresponding baubook declaration may serve as evidence (www.baubook.info/oea).

Change of criteria

VOC and SVOC definitions added to the explanation.

Date of editorial change: March 12, 2024


baubook green procurement
Harmonised “EcoBuildingCriteria” provided by “ÖkoKauf Wien” and “service package sustainable construction in Vorarlberg”
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