2. 5. 5. Limits for volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds in flexible sealants

description relevant product categories 


Flexible sealants may emit various substances. In addition to monomers and oligomers, these substances include volatile and semi-volatile organic compounds (VOCs and SVOCs), as well as substances that are released during the curing process, as a result of "condensation reactions".



minimum requirement

The maximum overall VOC content (total of VOCs plus SVOCs) of sealants is 5% by weight, with SVOCs accounting for a maximum of 1% by weight. In both cases, the maximum overall content of VOCs and SVOCs that may cause sensitisation (H-phrases H317, H334, EUH208) is 0.05% by weight (500 ppm). Volatile substances produced by reactions during the curing process have to be taken into account, assuming the maximum stoichiometric quantity.

Safety data sheet as amended by Regulation (EU) No 453/2010, and manufacturer's declaration.

Alternatively, the corresponding baubook declaration may serve as evidence (www.baubook.info/oea).

Change of criteria

VOC and SVOC definitions added to the explanation.

Date of editorial change: March 12, 2024


baubook green procurement
Harmonised “EcoBuildingCriteria” provided by “ÖkoKauf Wien” and “service package sustainable construction in Vorarlberg”