
baubook aims to promote targeted and validated construction with reduced ecological impacts and higher residential health. For this purpose, we offer various online tools for the calculation and evaluation of building components and buildings.


baubook eco2soft is an online tool from baubook GmbH that can be used to easily and quickly create life cycle assessments for buildings and clearly display the expenses for construction, renovation and disposal.

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Online product manager

The baubook Online Product Manager is a new processing tool to simplify product management in the context of building certification programmes (e.g. Quality Seal Sustainable Building - QNG).

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The aim of the baubook Amortisation and Profitability Calculator (AWR) is to calculate the ecological amortisation of insulation measures, especially in refurbishment.

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Construction calculator

The baubook construction calculator for building components allows you to put together walls, ceilings, floors, roofs and windows using the quality-assured products and reference values from the baubook.

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@baubook GmbH   Alserbachstrasse 5/8, 1090 Wien, Austria   T +43 1 319 200 50