eco2soft - life cycle assessment of buildings

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baubook eco2soft – quick and easy

baubook eco2soft is an online tool from baubook GmbH, with which eco-balances for buildings can be created quickly and easily and the costs of construction, renewal and disposal can be clearly displayed.

These have become a relevant consideration - especially in buildings with low energy requirements. The grey energy in buildings is now often the same as the energy consumption for heating and cooling. For this reason, the calculation of the Oekoindex is required throughout Austria in the context of subsidies or certificates.

The specialist for rapid life cycle assessments - even without an EAW program

To make the creation of life cycle assessments easy and fast, baubook has developed a specialized calculator, eco2soft. eco2soft can be used independently of other calculation programmes. This enables it to be used, for example, in research and teaching or in professional use if the life cycle assessment is not yet available in the applied energy certificate calculation programme.

eco2soft is an online tool from baubook GmbH, with which life cycle assessments for buildings can be created quickly and easily and the costs of construction, renovation and disposal can be clearly displayed.

eco2soft is specialized in the preparation of life cycle assessments in all balance limits required for the Oekoindex. In addition, the waste disposal indicator and all common LCA indicators can be calculated and the overall balance including operation can be presented.

Time savings through simplified calculation method

A special feature of eco2soft is the simplified procedure, according to which the basement and the interior walls (relevant from the Oekoindex balance limit 3) can be calculated. This is made possible by predefined components and a simplified surface model. Thus, a significant time saving in the calculation can be achieved with high quality results. For more precise analyses, detailed input is also possible.

In addition to the component catalogues for underground car parks and interior walls, passive house components (IBO passive house component catalogue) and 160 further components declared by manufacturers are available in eco2soft. These components considerably reduce the input effort. They are constantly being expanded and quality assured by baubook.

In addition to the indicators PENRT, AP and GWP100 Sum required by the Oekoindex, all common LCA indicators can be calculated. For example the eutrophication potential, the ozone depletion potential and all primary energy indicators.

Always and everywhere in use

eco2soft can be used as an online tool anywhere and without installation on a computer. For the costs in the professional application ask for our pricelist. Free licenses are offered for students in the context of seminar and diploma theses. For the application in research and teaching, inexpensive packages are available.

eco2soft is a service of baubook GmbH and was developed by the Energieinstitut Vorarlberg and the IBO. Currently, further developments of eco2soft in the direction of BIM and calculation with Gabi-based data are in preparation.

  eco2soft information sheet                        online-tool

@baubook GmbH   Alserbachstrasse 5/8, 1090 Wien, Austria   T +43 1 319 200 50