Here you will find frequently asked questions. If your question is not listed, please ask us! We will endeavour to answer as soon as possible.
Idea & and benefit
What is the purpose of baubook?
baubook offers a web portal for building products and components. Manufacturers declare their products with building physics and building ecology values. All products are validated by baubook and are quality-assured. Product qualities can be compared objectively. The fulfilment of criteria is documented and verified for each product. A core function of baubook is to search, find and compare products based on specific criteria in the respective eco-platforms.
For which manufacturers is baubook interesting?
baubook is particularly useful for manufacturers as a platform for verification. This applies to product groups with products for which verification is required to fulfil the criteria. Product groups for which there are few or no suppliers are of particular interest to manufacturers.
What are the advantages of declaring products in the baubook database?
Declared products benefit from centralised verification, which is necessary for tenders, building certifications and subsidy systems. The products are made available to programme manufacturers and published on other databases. Tendering bodies can access the products directly.
- quality-assured representation of product quality
- no individual verification necessary
- optimum visibility and data dissemination (sales channel)
- display on baubook eco-programmes
- broad specialist audience
- platform for criteria holders
- presentation of company and product
- no marketing platform (full data depth)
What services does baubook offer?
- Registration service: Product registration by baubook
- Update service: Product update by baubook
- Import of EPD data
- Quality assurance of products
- baubook online tools
Who is baubook's target group and audience?
The web portal is visited around 10,000 times a week by manufacturers, dealers, planners, consultants and tradespeople. They obtain specific information about recommended products on the baubook platforms. This makes baubook the leading database for healthy, quality-assured and ecological construction in the German-speaking world. baubook supports planners and building contractors in making decisions about ecologically recommendable building products.
Registration, declaration & liability
How does the declaration work and what steps are necessary?
- Register free of charge: The manufacturer must register free of charge before starting the declaration.
- Product declaration (independent). baubook also offers a convenient product registration service.
- Product validation and quality assurance. As soon as the product has been submitted, baubook quality assurance starts. Activation and publication takes place within 14 days. Published products are available in all applications and are listed on the target group-specific platforms.
Which documents are required for the declaration or can be recorded?
The evidence to be provided for the product's fulfilment of the criteria depends on the respective criterion and varies. In principle, the following data can be recorded for each product:
- product name
- description and processing instructions
- photo(s) for publication (image rights must be available)
- technical data sheet, technical properties (e.g. dimensions)
- safety data sheet
- building physics parameters: Thermal conductivity rated value, Thermal conductivity nominal value, bulk density, heat storage capacity, vapour diffusion resistance, ...
- building ecology parameters: global warming potential (GWP-total), acidification potential (AP), non-renewable primary energy (PENRT), ...
- CE Declaration of Performance
- test reports, test certificates
- Certificates of conformity
- EPD data
What product groups are there and can I assign a product to several product groups?
Here you will find an overview of the baubook product groups. There are groups for which no products have yet been declared. These are particularly interesting for manufacturers (because they are then the only first and only supplier). When declaring a product, you can assign it to several groups (at no extra cost). baubook reserves the right to make corrections if necessary.
Who is liable for the product characteristics?
Liability for declared product properties lies with the manufacturer and is regulated in the baubook T&Cs.
Is a product update absolutely necessary?
Product manufacturers confirm the accuracy of the information and guarantee that the listed products or product series correspond to the registered properties (ecological criteria, technical and ecological key figures, ingredients, etc.). Product manufacturers undertake to notify baubook GmbH immediately in writing of any changes relevant to the product entry or to change these directly in the product administration.
Costs, listing & updating
What costs are incurred?
The operation of the baubook platforms is refinanced by the listing fees. Costs are incurred for the one-off quality assurance of the product by baubook, as well as for the platform listing (annual costs). A price scale supports manufacturers with many products.
- Quality assurance by baubook (one-off for initial registration)
- Listing costs (annual)
- Amendment costs only if the product is not up-to-date* and a new quality assurance is necessary or the amendment is not made independently.
* A product is considered up-to-date if the date of the last product change (change with a baubook quality assurance) is not older than 2 years. We want to incentivise manufacturers to keep their products up-to-date on baubook and save costs at the same time.
How does a listing work?
The baubook listing fees are only charged once a product has been checked and published online. These are invoiced for the first year on a pro rata basis and on a daily basis. The following year is billed with an annual invoice. The product is available via the interface one day after its publication by the programme manufacturer.
Where are the declared data used?
The data is presented on the 11 eco-platforms and the baubook central office on the Internet. baubook distributes and disseminates the data via an interface to partner databases and various programme manufacturers (software manufacturers of life cycle assessment and energy performance certificate programmes).
Are product changes or product updates free of charge?
From 01.01.2024, baubook quality assurance will be free of charge for product changes or product updates for current products*!
How do you update a product?
To update products on baubook, you need an account for the declaration centre. You can register here free of charge. As soon as you are logged in to the declaration centre, you can edit the product data by clicking on the ‘Start product change’ button to start the update. The documents can then be exchanged and, if necessary, the fulfilment of the criteria can be checked and updated.
Can documents be updated for several products at the same time?
Yes, it is possible to update documents at the same time. You can download the instructions here.
Functions & tools
How can you compare products
To compare products, you must log in (and if necessary register free of charge in advance). You can then add several products as favourites and compare them with each other.
What online tools does baubook offer for the calculation and assessment of components and buildings?
- eco2soft: quickly and easily create life cycle assessments for buildings and clearly visualise the costs of construction, renovation and disposal
- online product manager: processing tool to simplify product management as part of building certification programmes
- amortisation calculator for components: for calculating the ecological amortisation of insulation measures, particularly in renovation projects
- construction calculator: for compiling walls, ceilings, floors, roofs and windows using the quality-assured products and guide values from baubook
How does the verification of criteria work?
The eco-programmes recognise proof of the criteria for a product through the declaration on baubook. The platform (example: ÖKoBauKriterien) is used to document and make the fulfilment of criteria traceable.
What material key figures are there and where can I find them?
baubook provides catalogues with well over 1,000 reference values for the most common building materials. The reference values include building physics and building ecology data for the energy and life cycle assessment calculation of buildings. They are used for the calculations in the baubook tools or can be downloaded for import into authorised energy performance certificate and other software programmes. baubook provides the building physics and building ecology reference values as well as the product parameters declared by manufacturers free of charge.
Criteria holder, eco-label, EPD
How can criteria holder benefit from baubook?
baubook specialises in the creation of eco-platforms and the implementation of individual verification management. If you are interested in mapping criteria, please contact us. We will be happy to provide you with a customised offer!
Which eco-programmes are mapped by baubook?
baubook currently maps the following eco-programmes:
- baubook EcoBuildingCriteria
- baubook klimaaktiv criteria and products
- baubook BNB and QNG
- baubook Vorarlberg
- baubook Carinthia
- baubook Lower Austria
- baubook Oekoindex
- baubook wohngsund
- baubook biomass boilers
If you are interested in creating an eco-platform and implementing your own criteria, please contact us. We will be happy to prepare a customised offer for you!
Which eco-labels are available on baubook?
Manufacturers can assign their declared products to the relevant eco- and quality labels. Proof is provided by the certificate issued. The following ecolabels are assigned to products:
- The Blue Angel
- eco-INSTITUT label
- European Ecolabel / EU Ecolabel (‘Euroblume’)
- Wood from here
- IBO test mark IBR test mark
- natureplus
- PH certificate
- Austrian Ecolabel
What are environmental product declarations (EPD) and can EPD data be used on baubook?
Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) provide environmentally relevant data on the life cycle of a construction product in a verified and standardised form. The main content of the EPD is product data for the life cycle assessment of buildings and other structures. EPD data can be imported and processed on baubook. Please get in touch with us.
Background & data basis
Where do the building physics reference values come from?
The reference values for building physics are mainly taken from ONORM 8110-7 ‘Thermal insulation in building construction - Part 7: Tabulated thermal insulation design values’. The design values of ONORM 8110-7 are adjusted in such a way that 90% of the products on the market achieve this value. This alignment guarantees that, as a rule, the products actually used (e.g. as part of the EAW calculation) also achieve this value. The reference values therefore enable a product-neutral and safe calculation within the framework of the housing subsidies of individual federal states or a building authority procedure (energy performance certificate). The data is only suitable to a limited extent for use in building physics reports.
Where do the building ecology reference values come from?
The building ecology reference values provided on baubook are lists of life cycle assessment data for building materials and construction processes. Together with the building physics data in baubook, the reference values are used to calculate the energy or life cycle assessment parameters of buildings, e.g. for the Oekoindex OI3 and the disposal indicator EI.
What is the basis for the IBO reference values?
Manufacturer information and literature data serve as the source for the IBO reference values. The building materials are analysed cumulatively up to the ‘product ex works’ stage. This means that all upstream processes up to the product ready for delivery are taken into account. For each process step, material, transport and energy inputs, emissions to air, soil, water and waste must be determined. This so-called background data is based on ecoinvent 2.2. The life cycle assessments are modelled in accordance with the requirements of EN 15804:2012+A1:2013. To date, IBO reference values have been defined for more than 500 building materials, building services materials and construction processes.
Link: Methodological assumptions for the IBO reference values